Hyobin’s Confirmation 5/6/2018
얼마전 까지만 해도 교회 안팎을 마구 뛰어다니며 Tomboy 같았던 효빈 어린이가 참한 아가씨가 되어 성숙하게 스스로 그리스도인 임을 고백하는 귀한시간을 갖었습니다.
너무나 귀하고 아름다운 모습이었고, 향후 주님의 크신 일군으로 귀히 쓰임받길 믿어 의심치 않습니다.
모두 함께 축복해 주시고, 또한 더욱더 그리스도인의 향기를 풍길수 있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
The Harmonies of Piano & Organ 4/8/2018
April 8, 2018 3:30 pm
Grace United Methodist Church in Lake Bluff
Praise to the Lord, the almighty, Joachim Neanker / Arr. Joel Raney
Suite Sunday: For Organ & Piano, harpsichord or Synthesizer, Emma Lou diemer (b.1927)
J.S.Bach-W.Kempff: Transcription for piano of “Siciliano” from sonata for flute and Harpsichord in E flat Major BWV 1031
J.s. Bach/s.Rachmaninoff: Transcription for Piano of “Gavotte” from Violin Partita No. 3 in E Major BWV 1006
Largo from the New World Symphony (Arranged by William Sticles)
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms with Sonata in C Major by Mozart (Arranged by Linda McKeehnie)
It is Well with my Soul
The Lord’s Prayer (Transcribed for Piano and Organ by Carl Deis)
Fugue in G Minor, BWV 542 (Johann Sebastian Bach 1685~1750)
The Heavens are Telling from “The Creation” (Franz Josef Haydn / 1732~1809)
Hallelujah from “The Messiah” (George Friderie Handel / 1685~1759)
Biographical Information
Jeong Min Lee
Jeong Min Lee began her career as a pianist and educator in Seoul, South Korea, where she earned her Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in Piano Performance from Seoul National University. She continued her professional education at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Oberlin, Ohio, earning an Artist Diploma, and then gained a second Master of Music degree in Piano Performance and Pedagogy from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. She completed her academic training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she was awarded the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Piano Performance and Pedagogy. Among the honors she has received are the Perlman Trio Award and the Kate Perlman Scholarship Award from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which allowed her to gain significant collaborative experience, and she also was also a winner of the UW-M’s Beethoven Piano and Concerto Competitions, performing the Beethoven Fourth Piano Concerto with the School of Music Orchestra. Dr. Lee has performed extensively as a pianist and chamber musician throughout the United States, and in Canada, China, and South Korea. Jeong Min has a passionate commitment to enriching the arts in her local community-at-large, presenting numerous concerts each year at many Chicagoland venues and churches, and at the Skokie Performing Arts Center. And she joined the faculty of DePaul University in 2017 and it has been her delight to serve the community music program.
Eun Joo Ju
Eun Joo Ju received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Organ Performance at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she studied Dr. Dana Robinson. Additional institutes of leaning include Manhattan School of Music (Professional Studies, Master of Music) and Hansei University, Korea. At the University of Illinois, Dr. Ju was the recipient of the Gerald Crystal Organ Fund Award and the Marcella K. Brownson Memoral Fellowship. At the Manhattan School of Music, she received the Broson Rogan Award and President Award. She is an accomplished accompanist, choir director, with numerous recitals in Illinois and New York as well as Korea. She currently serves as Organist at the Peacemakers Korean Covenant Church in Elk Grove Village as well as Grace United Methodist Church, Lake Bluff. She is married to Min Ho Choi and they have two daughters.
연합기념예배 9/23/2018
Wisdom’s Song of Life (James 3:17-18)
History of Peacemakers Korean Covenant Church
연합기념예배 순서지
전도사님들의 모습이 담기지 못한점 못내 아쉽습니다만, 일부라도 남길수 있어 감사 드립니다.
박목사님의 상패전달은 참석하신 모든분들이 감동의 물결로 많이 코멘트해주셔서 매우 기쁜 순서가 아니었나 싶습니다.
가을소풍 – Fruit Picking
9월의 마지막 토요일인 29일, 우리는 미시간에 위치한 한 농장을 찾았습니다.
날씨는 너무나도 아름다왔고, 시카고의 어둡고 차갑던 날씨와는 180도 달랐습니다.
교회에서 준비해주신 김밥과 사모님이 끓여오신 오뎅국은 과연 찰떡궁합이었습니다.
개인적으로 저희는 사과를 따러 출발하였으나 너무나도 달달한 포도에 꽃혀 사과대신 약간은 작아 섭섭했던 포도를 마구마구 따왔습니다.
그럼 영상으로 나마 시원한 바람과 아름다운 대자연을 감상해 보실까요!!
아주 특별한 성탄예배
2018년 12월 25일 오전 11시, 피스메이커 교회에서는 아주 특별한 성탄예배가 마련되었습니다.
오랫만에 방문하여 주신 윤목사님 내외분과 박집사님 내외분, 그리고 반가운 Eunice 선생님.
많은기간은 아니어도 짬짬이 시간을 할애하여 준비하여주신 목사님이하 최효린 어린이까지 아기예수 탄생을 진심으로 축하하는 풍성한 시간을 나눌수 있어 매우 행복한 하루였습니다.
특별히 뜨끈한 설렁탕으로 몸도 마음도 녹일수 있게해주신 사모님 두분께 무한 감사 드리고 싶습니다.
그럼 몇컷 녹화된 자료 감상해 보시까요
저 들 밖에 – 이성환
캐롤의 축제 – Bob Krogstad